I don't know if you guys have noticed, but there can be quite a wide range of views and opinions amongst Christians.
It's almost as if Christians are all individual people with their own views and opinions, experiences and interpretations.
Now, sometimes, people will say, "a Christian DOES do this", or "a Christian DOES NOT do that". But I think a lot of the time people don't REALLY mean, "therefore I believe you NOT to be Christian if you have done those things!" I mean, let's face it, if people looked at everyone like that, you've all failed, thank you and good night.
The Other Forum used to, I believe, refer to the Nicene Creed to define what a Christian was.
What core things to you define what a Christian is? What is the core thing (or things) across no matter how much else you disagree with someone, you accept that they are your Brother or Sister in Christ?
DISCLAIMER: For anyone unfamiliar with me, I'm Agnostic. I've started this post in a deliberately light-hearted way (and if you didn't realise that then we're probably off to a bad start ) but am asking a serious question. k thx bye