Inerrancy of God's Word
There is a revival in our time of the idea that God's written Word, the Bible, is errant and imperfect. History has shown that when you question the inspiration, infallibility & inerrancy of the Bible as God's Word, this leads to questioning the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ, His deity, and that Jesus is the ONLY means to salvation as well as other important doctrines essential to our salvation.

Today the devil uses popular scholars.
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[QUOTE=victoryword;102250]There is a revival in our time of the idea that God's written Word, the Bible, is errant and imperfect. History has shown that when you question the inspiration, infallibility & inerrancy of the Bible as God's Word, this leads to questioning the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ, His deity, and that Jesus is the ONLY means to salvation as well as other important doctrines essential to our salvation
You are wise to alert us to this danger. My primary objection to the advocacy of gay ordination and marriage by progressive UMC ministers is not their pro-gay advocacy, but your point--that the real danger is their rejection of biblical authority, including of course inerrancy. The danger of the slippery slope is beyond doubt. But you have posted your comment in the site's Debate section and defenders of inerrancy must address these 6 issues:
(1) The Bible never claims to be inerrant. Not even the oft cited "theopneustos" (literally, "God-breathed") in 2 Timothy 3:16 implies inerrancy, since it is commonly used in a more vague and general way to celebrate the divine inspiration of Greek literature (For examples, see Kittel, TDNT).
(2) When the NT addresses the question of biblical inspiration, it is referring to the Old Testament.
True, 2 Peter 3:16 contrasts some Pauline epistles with "the other writings" (Greek: "graphe"), but neither comments on any divine inspiration of these epistles nor identifies which Pauline epistles are envisaged. In any case, 2 Peter 3:16 is at best referring to a small portion of what later became NT documents.
(3) The shape of the Christian canon was in dispute for centuries. We are forced to rely on divine guidance of early Catholicism on which books to include or exclude.
(4) There are no pre-Reformation lists of precisely our 66 biblical books as constitutive of the Christian biblical canon.
(5) There is no evidence of a Jewish consensus about a closed OT canon at the time of Jesus.
(a) The Sadducees gave priority to the Pentateuch.
(b) Jude alludes to the apocryphal 1 Enoch and The Assumption of Moses as authoritative sources of divine revelation.
(c) Paul treats his quote of the Apocalypse of Elijah in 1 Corinthians 2:9 as Scripture by introduucing it with the standard quotation formula for Scripture, "It is written."
The early church Father, Origen, identifies the Apocalypse of Elijah as the source for this exact quote. The evangelical claim that 2:9 is actually quoting a lost text of Isaiah 64:4 is desperate and bogus.
No manuscript of Isaiah exists with this wording and Isaiah 64:4 makes a very different point, despite its similar wording.
(6) In any case, evangelical apologists can only defend inerrancy by refuting claims of countless errors and contradictions in Scripture, which must be addressed on a case by case basis.
Senior Member
There is also an attack on God's word through the countless translations of bibles on todays market. Some of these versions omit verses and passages of scripture.
If you put God First, you have Him at Last.

Originally Posted by
There is also an attack on God's word through the countless translations of bibles on todays market. Some of these versions omit verses and passages of scripture.
The omission of verses you cite is due to their absence in key manuscripts. By one estimate there are 10 million discrepant readings in ancient biblical manuscripts. The science of Text Criticism is designed to reconstruct the closest text to the original. It does by grouping these manuscripts into families by geographic region and date of origin. Text Criticism then traces where, why, and how erroneous readings creep into the text. The results are then compared with quotations of the relevant texts by early church fathers, whose quotations precede the manuscripts' date. Text Criticism has established that the manuscripts used for the KJV translation are among the latest and most corrupt. The more copying, the more scribal errors! The KJV translators simply lacked access to the best biblical manuscipts later discovered. I have always been dismissed by the fact that evangelicals with the highest view of biblical inspiration nevertheless choose to use the KJV, the Bible based on the most corrupt Hebrew and Greek text.
Last edited by Berserk; 01-19-2020 at 08:18 PM.
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Originally Posted by
The omission of verses you cite is due to their absence in key manuscripts. By one estimate there are 10 million discrepant readings in ancient biblical manuscripts. The science of Text Criticism is designed to reconstruct the closest text to the original. It does by grouping these manuscripts into families by geographic region and date of origin. Text Criticism then traces where, why, and how erroneous readings creep into the text. The results are then compared with quotations of the relevant texts by early church fathers, whose quotations precede the manuscripts' date. Text Criticism has established that the manuscripts used for the KJV translation are among the latest and most corrupt. The more coping, the more scribal errors! The KJV translators simply lacked access to the best biblical manuscipts later discovered. I have always been dismissed by the fact that evangelicals with the highest view of biblical inspiration nevertheless choose to use the KJV, the Bible based on the most corrupt Hebrew and Greek text.
Yes there is too much reliance on the KJV among English Bible readers. And as you hint at, Biblical inerrancy cannot be taken to the point where it means perfection word-by-word because there is no way of telling exactly what "the original manuscript" for each work amounts to.
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If you put God First, you have Him at Last.
Senior Member
Bottom line: when you believe the Bible to have errors, this is what you spend your life believing and "preaching". From such theology of errors, there is no need to preach a born-again experience, you believe that Hell is not real nor eternal. There is no fervency for holy living and soon enough you are building your own kingdom unto yourself.
If the Bible is inerrant, I have found a treasure to cherish with my entire life unto Christ.
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to FireBrand For This Useful Post:
A.J. (01-19-2020), curly sue (01-19-2020), Femme* (04-19-2020), John (01-20-2020), Smitty (01-19-2020)
How much do you know the who, why, and how with reference to the translation of the KJV. This BBC documentary will be real eye-opener for you:
king james translation documentary youtube - Bing video
The narrator claims the KJV is the greatest work in the English language. I agree with his judgment, despite the KJV's now archaic language and the corrupt manuscripts on which it was based. Yet the narrator also demonstrates King James's instructions that the translation must support the English monarchy and the hierarchy of the Church of England! The translators included educated drunks and scoundrels as well as churchmen! This rich diversity of translating characters is one key to why the KJV made for great reading in its day. Another reason is that accuracy was not the only criterion; translators had to read each small section of their proposed translations to each other to ensure that it flows and "sings" in church readings. The role of the Puritans in this translation debate is truly fascinating too. Please watch the documentary and share your reactions.
Inerrant: "Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact". Well that's one meaning, and a reasonable one I guess, but firstly, how close are we to the original manuscripts?
Let's look at two. Firstly the NLT. BibleGateway says of it
The challenge for the translators was to create a text that would make the same impact in the life of modern readers that the original text had for the original readers. In the New Living Translation, this is accomplished by translating
entire thoughts (rather than just words) into natural, everyday English.
Of the NASB BibleGateway says
The original NASB has earned the reputation of being the most accurate English Bible translation. The NASB update carries on the NASB tradition of being a true Bible translation, revealing what the original manuscripts actually say--not merely what the translator believes they mean.
Having said that I'd like to compare Exodus 31:1-5 from both
Then the Lord said to Moses, |
Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, |
"Look, I have specifically chosen Bezalel son of Uri, grandson of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. |
"See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. |
I have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts. |
I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, |
He is a master craftsman, expert in working with gold, silver, and bronze. |
to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, |
He is skilled in engraving and mounting gemstones and in carving wood. He is a master at every craft! |
and in the cutting of stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship. |
I'm aware of this difference because I heard these verses spoken on. From the NLT. The speaker made a big deal of Bezalel being a "master craftsman". He probably said that "God says he was a master craftsman". No He didn't. And look at the wording, I have filled him ... he is ... he is ... he is ... vs. I have filled him ... to ... that he may ... Does one rendering give glory to man and the other to God?
Scarily it's said that "In March 2014, the Christian Booksellers Association ranked the NLT as the second most popular English version of the Bible based on unit sales" (REF) which doesn't go well for us who expect to be taught sound doctrine by our leaders.
But it doesn't matter how accurate our translation is if people openly reject its truths. People do it from page #1 of the Bible. Gen 1:5 says the similar "God called the light "day" and the darkness "night." And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day" (NLT) and "God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day" (NASB) yet people reject what God says, that is was one (24 hour) day. They reject His statement that He created the universe in six 24 hour days and rested on the seventh.
But that's because of our sinful nature. It's (as one author says) human pride that "loathes the suggestion that God orders everything, controls everything, rules over everything."
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