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If denominations were simply a tool to help people they would be fine.But for the most part instead of the organization serving the people, it uses people to serve the organization.
I can't think of any Denomination who truly bases fellowship solely on the basis of Jesus, His work, and a persons relationship with Him. There is always an added set of rules that defines to whom they will offer full fellowship (love, time, caring, resources etc...). Those rules usually take precedence over scripture, trying to use scripture to prop up their own desires.
So Denominations compete with one another, instead of completing each other. They compete for people, they compete for 'truth", they compete for money. They even compete with showy programming. And the showy programming isn't limited to "seeker sensitive" churches. The pentacostals and charismatics have their ways of doing it as well.
The only criteria for full fellowship within a church is Jesus. But in a denomination it will always become; Jesus, and this, and that, and the other thing.