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Thread: Why You've Been Duped Into Believing The Myth That The World Is Getting Worse and Worse

  1. #1

    Why You've Been Duped Into Believing The Myth That The World Is Getting Worse and Worse

    -A former colleague disclosed his anxiety about the violence in the Middle East. Of particular concern for him were the brutal onslaughts against Christians by an organization known as ISIS. This terrorist organization that began as part of al Qaeda in Iraq has spread throughout Arab world. It has beheaded and brutally opposed anyone who differs from their fierce form of Islamic Fundamentalism.

    Reflecting on some of the frightening news reports, he said,

    It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that the world is getting worse and worse. Evil is rising all around us and the Christian Church is losing ground. I can’t believe how bad things are getting.”

    This acquaintance wasn’t the only one that I've heard this kind of rhetoric from. Many have voiced a similar apprehension. You can hear it in the checkout lines, sports stadiums, and in the pews of our local churches. Multitudes are convinced that the world is presently in "freefall" and it’s only a matter of time before everything falls apart.

    Yet, is this true? Is evil actually growing throughout the earth? Is humanity descending into greater chaos and destruction?

    Based on social media and television news reports, multitudes are convinced that the world is growing worse and worse. Yet, there's absolutely no evidence of this. By every measurable standard, life is improving around the globe. Darkness is fading and the goodness of God’s Kingdom is truly taking root.

    This statement isn't just a matter of opinion, but a reflection of verifiable statistics. Some of which I would like to share with you in the following article. Stay with me as I attempt to show how the world is actually getting better and better...


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  3. #2
    I admit I didn't read the whole article but I did notice the map toward the end about the Growth Rate of Christianity. For the U.S. and Canada the rate is slower than the population growth rate. That's scarey. We had a missionary at our church last Sunday that said only 2.6% of the New England states are Evangelical Christian which in missionary terms puts them into an "unreached people" group.

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  5. #3
    not to mention "I'm a Christian" doesn't mean the same thing to every one saying it.

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    Ezekiel 33 (10-08-2015), FresnoJoe (09-26-2015), Quest (08-28-2015)

  7. #4
    Senior Member Cardinal TT's Avatar
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    The map is definitely wrong that Australia has greater evangelical growth than population growth

    Some things he says are true but he swings too far the other way

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    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    People tend to look back at their earlier years or those of their parents and compare. They also tend to concentrate on their own country or region. In my opinion, the US has declined a lot in many ways during the last 50 years. Violent crime rates have improved greatly during the last 20 years though. Christianity has declined enormously in the Western world during the last 100 years or so. The map in the article focuses on the growth rate of evangelical Christianity and has most of Europe improving on that but most of those countries have a very small evangelical population and they used to be bastions for Catholicism and unless one dismisses that completely, they have declined enormously.

    Anyone with a good knowledge of history will know that the world has improved in most ways except for general sexual morality and family values. The world was more diverse and also hypocritical about those than what people tend to think though. ISIS is a new phenomenon but they are nothing more than what various groups/tribes/peoples/empires would do all over the globe if we go back in time. Government sanctioned free abortion is a new kid on the block but I doubt that things would have been very different in many places in the world throughout history if humanity had always been capable of aborting children with practically no danger or harm done to the mother.

    Globalization is a Biblical theme starting with the tower of Babel. The world is sufficiently small today including in information terms that it has great potential for becoming unified in a totalitarian manner. Where Nazis and Communists failed previously, some other form of totalitarianism may manage to engulf the globe. Technology also has the potential to destroy or recreate the world as we know it, including the human being itself. The nuclear threat is part of this and though it seemed more imminent previously it is still very much there.

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  11. #6
    Senior Member FresnoJoe's Avatar
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    IMO, As The Godly Increase Across The Face Of The Planet

    Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 (KJV)

    So Does Their Testimony~!

    And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Revelation 12:11 (ESV)

  12. #7
    Senior Member Ezekiel 33's Avatar
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    The Word of God declares that it will get worse.
    You can look at the younger generations and see the attitudes/spirits behind it.
    Anyone who declares that the world is only going to get better is blinded and cannot truly see, nor do they understand the plain teachings of the bible.

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    Michelle (10-08-2015), Romans828 (10-08-2015)

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    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    I don't know that evil is getting worse but that less and less are finding actual truth, redemption and salvation...

    Jesus stated that wide is the gate that leads to destruction and narrow that of salvation...

    So just the mere quantity of workers in the kingdom of darkness gives the appearance of greater evil...more people, more murder, more thieves, more lust...

    As the church cowers the evil stream gains boldness and becomes more verbal and influences more young people..

    The church, you and me, had better get a burden for these and stop blaming evil for their demise...when they see the true and living GOD in His people many will wake up to the deception...that is our purpose...

  15. #9
    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quest View Post
    I don't know that evil is getting worse but that less and less are finding actual truth, redemption and salvation...

    Jesus stated that wide is the gate that leads to destruction and narrow that of salvation...

    So just the mere quantity of workers in the kingdom of darkness gives the appearance of greater evil...more people, more murder, more thieves, more lust...

    As the church cowers the evil stream gains boldness and becomes more verbal and influences more young people..

    The church, you and me, had better get a burden for these and stop blaming evil for their demise...when they see the true and living GOD in His people many will wake up to the deception...that is our purpose...
    If we are talking about the world and not just the 4-5 percent of it that live in the United States then the last 50 years or so have seen greater revival in terms of masses taking up the faith than any other half century previous to that.

  16. #10
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel View Post
    If we are talking about the world and not just the 4-5 percent of it that live in the United States then the last 50 years or so have seen greater revival in terms of masses taking up the faith than any other half century previous to that.
    Compared to the bulk of the population?

    I do believe there should be a lot of souls saved when God shows up in genuine love and power...but that those that come in won't ever be 'the majority; not even close to it.

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