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Thread: Mexican cartel members and Chinese preachers

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
    Too bad I couldn't get a CD of his testimony in English. I would really enjoy hearing him. I just love testimonies of hardened criminals who have come to Christ, and there're now being used by the Lord to win others to Jesus.
    My dad was a hardened criminal, bank robber, and drug trafficker. He spent years in and out of different prisons. He even escaped from the last prison he was in during the 80's. That was at the Oklahoma maximum security state penitentiary in Mcalester, OK. He was caught, but not before he got into a shootout with state police, jumped off a high bridge into a river and broke his neck. My dad survived a very hard life. He had to kill other inmates in different prisons so he wouldn't be killed. Through a set of miracles, he got paroled in 1989 and got a job doing heavy equipment construction building bridges in South Carolina where he was born. My dad was killed in a job-related accident while building a bridge. But not before he got saved several months prior to his death. My grandmother, his mother, my immediate family, us, his kids prayed faithfully for my dad's salvation for many years. He is next to my mom at Crown Hill Cemetary in Seattle, WA. Ed is also with her and Jesus in glory. God is so very good and faithful to answer our prayers. I will look forward to the day when I meet with both of them in heaven. PTL
    Dear Lord my brother, what a testimony to God's greatness! Thank you for sharing!

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    Smitty (02-03-2025)

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