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Thread: My little homestead

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    My little homestead

    We are going to plant a couple of peach trees this fall...I think my bees will like the blooms!

    I need to diagram how to turn a lot that is 200 X 50 that contains two plantable spaces of
    1. 30 X50
    2. 120 X50

    A clover patch
    A raised veg. garden surrounded by flowers
    A Caltapa tree for fish bate..eventually
    2 Peach trees
    2 Thornless blackberry bushes (have to move these and train on trellis)
    1 bee hive (to start)

    So they don't kill each other
    And I don't drive my husband crazy...

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Quest For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

  3. #2
    Quest, you need your own thread, what a wonderful you have any existing trees or plants currently on your plot?

    I had NO idea what you meant by growing a tree for fish bait, never even heard of a catalpa tree so I had to google it. Pretty cool!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to krystian For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

  5. #3
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    We planted the catalpa two years ago and a neighbor, unintentionally, almost killed it. Apparently she used something to spray weeds and some of the spray came over..(this is a NO NO on waterfront property!!).I thought it was day it was this lovely almost 7 foot full leafed tree I expected moths on this year to a leafless stick...some new growth came up from the roots but will take at least another year or even more to get back to where it was...

    I also have the blackberries...they are thornless trailing and were loaded this year..I did the research and pruned them this past weekend but am planning on moving them in October...they are on our chain link fence but that causes them to roam to the neighbors who don't seem to value them.
    So I will build a trellis and move them there for training.

    We are building the raised bed this October and are going to put in 'lasagna compost'. This compost does not have to be stirred so for the next 5 months it will marinate and be ready for our move and Spring planting...

    I am working on the yard diagram to assure good lighting for the bees and the garden and room for the peach tree or trees to grow up without interfering with either of these..

    Today......drum roll.......I ordered the Flow Hive! I calculated ever possible option and finally when all the numbers were in and weighed against the beauty and the windows and the ease of harvesting I just gave in and said...after 47 years of working..I DESERVE IT!
    Now the bees have been located and I just have to time their delivery. There is a bee farm in North Georgia that has them and will ship them or I can drive up and pick them up...I might do that...

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Quest For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

  7. #4
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    I have not had a chance to watch the video but these can be placed in a zip lock bag with cornmeal and place in the fridge to 'chill' and when acclimated to the cold they can be frozen...then thawed and they are still alive! I have not tried this but it makes sense because they winter in the ground and emerge in the early spring to lay eggs on the leaves and the cycle begins...when the worms get grown they drop off the leaves onto the ground and burrow in for the winter...

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    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

  9. #5
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Ohh..something I learned this weekend...NEVER HEARD before...fiddle worms, what are they and how do you find them? You fiddle for them...fiddling for worms...look it up!!

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Quest For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

  11. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Quest View Post
    Ohh..something I learned this weekend...NEVER HEARD before...fiddle worms, what are they and how do you find them? You fiddle for them...fiddling for worms...look it up!!'re already making me look up lots of stuff I hadn't heard of before! Catalpa trees, their caterpillars, sphinx moths and what is 'lasagna compost'??

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to krystian For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

  13. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Quest View Post
    I have not had a chance to watch the video but these can be placed in a zip lock bag with cornmeal and place in the fridge to 'chill' and when acclimated to the cold they can be frozen...
    Yep, the guy in the video mentioned that too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quest View Post
    Today......drum roll.......I ordered the Flow Hive! I calculated ever possible option and finally when all the numbers were in and weighed against the beauty and the windows and the ease of harvesting I just gave in and said...after 47 years of working..I DESERVE IT!
    Now the bees have been located and I just have to time their delivery. There is a bee farm in North Georgia that has them and will ship them or I can drive up and pick them up...I might do that...
    Wow, big congrats!! Are they still on backorder? What's your delivery date?

    For those that may have missed it, this is the Flow Hive:

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to krystian For This Useful Post:

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  15. #8
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krystian View Post
    Yep, the guy in the video mentioned that too.

    Wow, big congrats!! Are they still on backorder? What's your delivery date?

    For those that may have missed it, this is the Flow Hive:

    Delivery date is some time in Feb...perfect. I will be retired by then and can go get it al set up and some plants in the garden for the arrival of my Bees the first of April..

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  17. #9
    Resident Chocolate Monster Lista's Avatar
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    Have you seen this video? It's pretty inspirational.

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    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015), happysandyh (10-10-2017), krystian (09-09-2015), Quest (09-09-2015)

  19. #10
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lista View Post
    Have you seen this video? It's pretty inspirational.

    I will check it out...probably won't check back until tomorrow though..hang tight!

  20. The Following User Says Thank You to Quest For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-10-2015)

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