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Thread: A Battle Against Good & Evil

  1. #1
    Junior Member Child of God's Avatar
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    A Battle Against Good & Evil

    Father God had spoke to me about this battle 10 years before it happened. He said, "the battle against good and evil has been here since the beginning of time". He was referring to the beginning of man's time.

    This battle was with evil spirits. They tried to kill me and had done unspeakable things. They even got to my friends and family in our dreams. But fortunately, I prayed to Jesus to pray to the Father for help. And sure enough, He, the Father, was there battling these spirits for me.

    Exodus 14:14. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.

    Some of the heavenly warrior angels had already begun helping me and started annihilating demons. Then later, monkeys carrying "smart guns" came to my aid. These guns are used for annihilating evil spirits. God does not mess around, nor does He play games! I have witnessed the dead, fallen angels, demons, aliens in spiritual form, and "other creatures" such as giants, giant cyclops, giant talking spiders; snakes, ants, and so on.... truth is stranger than fiction. I have been visited by both Satan and Lucifer. Satan has an army and he fears God. God had taken his powers from him. I do not know if I would be alive today if it were not for God, His holy angels and other creatures.

    The giants now reside in the spirit world and they are as enormous as described in scripture:

    Numbers 13:33. There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."
    We are His Sheep, The Flock He Shepherds

  2. #2
    Junior Member Child of God's Avatar
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    Here's a real photograph of a fallen angel in a spiritual orb, with horns along it's eyebrow.

    A Battle Against Good & Evil-devil_in_orb-jpg

    This devil would have powers and could rule over us in hell. A good reason to fear God. Jesus delivers the repentant believer from this kind of evil and the evil within us. By the power of God, our souls must be salvaged/restored to the inbreathe of creation when God looked upon mankind and said we were good. And, in this way we are reborn, spiritually, before we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
    We are His Sheep, The Flock He Shepherds

  3. #3
    Junior Member Child of God's Avatar
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    Here's a human spirit in a spiritual orb. These orbs are referred to in the Holy Bible as chariots of God.

    Psalm 68:17. The chariots of God are twenty thousands, Even thousands of thousands. The Lord is among them as in Sinai, in the Holy Place.

    Ezekiel describes a great living chariot of God as, "a wheel in the middle of a wheel". Also known as "Ezekiel's Wheels". In a vision of God, Ezekiel said, "the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels".

    The spirit of this living creature is in the "orb". This would be one of the many small living chariots of God.

    A Battle Against Good & Evil-s3kuld1-1-jpg
    We are His Sheep, The Flock He Shepherds

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