What a fantastic series. Anyone else watching it?
What a fantastic series. Anyone else watching it?
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
Saw the trailers, but forgot to put it on my radar.
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
You can get the Masterpiece app for free. As for me, I DVRd it, and still have two more episodes. I went onto the MT app and caught a bunch of "upcoming" trailers, and I saw Poldark advertised on there and thought it looked really good. I love good period dramas and I loved it. Also, upcoming in September is Indian Summer, which explores British rule coming to and end, from all angles. Now *that* looks fantastic.
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
Poldark looked really interesting, but I watched 15 minutes of Downton Abbey, and clicked the remote to "Living Alaska" (LOL)
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
We watched Poldark and really enjoyed it. We have already seen Indian Summer on Netflix. I'll be glad when the current fund raiser is over on PBS. I'm not really interested in endless old music shows.
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
I gave up on Downton Abbey a coupla seasons ago when they introduced abortion into the plot; so durn desperate and silly.....and the gay character was made to be sympathetic. The Brits always inject that sort of nonsense into most of their stuff. You'd think every-other person in the UK was gay if you watched their shows. Next you know, we'll be having a gay version of Pride & Prejudice, or some movie that portrays that some of the prostitutes that Jack the Ripper killed were lesbians or something....
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
I don't remember a lot about it, but I think it was pretty good. There was some adult material, although I don't think there was very much.
CatchyUsername (08-13-2015), FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
I thought the gay character in Downtown Abbey was downright evil. He was always plotting against someone, he even blackmailed one of the new servants into eavesdropping for him so he could get information that he could use against the valet who he hated for no particular reason other than envy (and that is late in the series). He also tried to manipulate one of the other male servants into having sex with him knowing that he most probably wasn't gay at all, just a bit gullible.
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
Ended up watching a Poldark episode round a friend's once. (She was most excited about Mr. Turner)
... Ended up watching the whole series ;) Quite good. It was a BBC series before back in the 70s/80s I think. The original book was published in the 1940s.
CatchyUsername (08-13-2015), FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)