At the Bible school in the church that I attend, the worship leader spoke in tongues and delivered a personal message to two Brazilian students, according to them in perfect Portuguese. The worship leader doesn't speak Portuguese at all.
I've never experienced that myself, but I laid hands on a man and prayed for him in church once, where I found myself speaking in an African sounding language for about one minute, it sounded very complex and consonant rich and I was speaking it as fast as I'm capable of speaking my native language, which is kind of fast. The 250 pound man was shaking so much afterwards that he had to hold on to the chair in front of him to stand on his feet.
Often when I speak in tongues, the result is a simplistic, vowel dominant langauge that seems to repeat itself somewhat. Not so today, I was speaking in what sounded like a more European language that was again complex and somewhat consonant rich, and at a normal pace. I was observing this and I concluded that my cognitive mind had little to nothing to do with it. Not that I would have been able to "create" what I was listening to, if I had put my mind to it. Not on the fly. Nothing seemed to repeat itself, during several sentences.
Has anyone else experienced any of this?