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On Strike!
Teamster drivers who work for Republic Services (my company) in Boston, showed up at our gate (Bellevue) at 3am yesterday (Thursday) morning to form a picket line.
Well, that picket line was still there today (Friday). As fellow teamsters, it is our duty to honor that line and not cross it. This is day two of no garbage pick up service to several cities that Republic has contracts with. Although only three are mentioned in the article, there are five more cites being affected by this strike with all trucks coming from the Bellevue, Kent, and Lynnwood yards to serve those communities. Not only that, but there is a picket line at the Bill Gates facility compound which is also in Bellevue. The reason for that is because Bill Gates is a major stockholder in the Republic services company.
What's this mean for us who are left on the outside looking in? No work and no pay until this thing is resolved. Current info available states that Republic has still not gone back to the bargaining tables in Boston. Scab drivers there are picking up the trash while the Boston teamsters drivers man the lines. So, as the garbage begins to pile up here in our cities, we will be unable to go back to work until something breaks.
Strike forces Republic Services to cancel trash pickup for second day | king5.com
If you put God First, you have Him at Last.
Senior Member
The longer there remains no trash service for the cities affected by the strike, the riper that garbage will get as it goes uncollected.
If you put God First, you have Him at Last.
flower planter

Originally Posted by
The longer there remains no trash service for the cities affected by the strike, the riper that garbage will get as it goes uncollected.

If you were going for ripe you shoulda did it in August. ;)
My area is in the midst of a big General Motors strike.
United Auto Workers strike General Motors for 19th day
Senior Member

Originally Posted by
The Boston trash collectors bargaining agreement expired at the end of August. And they did walk out on August 29th at the end of summer.
Please remember, we here in Washington are working in accordance under our current bargaining agreement. That contract doesn't expire until 2021. The reason this strike from Boston is affecting us, is because the teamsters union flew strikers from the east coast to our collection facility here in the Northwest to picket at our front gate as of Thursday. Because they are fellow teamsters affiliated with the same union, we are simply honoring their picket line by not crossing it. Our customers are affected with a disruption in their trash collection pick up because of a east coast garbage strike. It's unfair to them to have to go without trash service because of the union activity to get the company, Republic Services, to ratify a new agreement with the Boston trash haulers. Hopefully, this will all end soon as both groups, the Boston trash collectors, and the company come to an agreement on a new contract.
If you put God First, you have Him at Last.
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Here is an update to the east coast trash strike that has been affecting us from servicing our customers here in Washington.
I just received a text blast from our shop steward. He just got off the phone with a union authority.
Republic services has agreed to come back to the bargaining table and begin negotiations to work on ratifying a new contract agreement with the Boston trash collectors.
The east coast picket line will be removed Monday from our facility here at Bellevue and we have the green light to return back to work.
The solidarity of the union members sticking together and putting pressure on the company has been a success in forcing Republic back to the negotiating table.
Although, a new contract has not yet materialized before the Boston area garbage haulers. Our solidarity has sent a clear message to company officials that we will not work without a new and fair collective bargaining agreement while company profits are at all time highs, and as they seek to intimidate workers with replacement, cuts in wages, healthcare, and pension benefits. I am sure there will be a tentative agreement agreed upon between both parties, union officials and company representatives as a new contract is hammered out and voted on by the Boston area trash haulers within the next couple of weeks. As our own contract here in the Northwest expires on April 1, 2021. We can expect our fellow union members to unite with us also in solidarity as we seek to get a fair contract at that time.
If you put God First, you have Him at Last.
Senior Member
I'd start burning my garbage. We're pretty good at separating recyclables, and I do compost everything except meat scraps. I guess the raccoons and the neighbor coyote family would have a feast day, cuz I wouldn't bother trying to wait out a garbage strike.
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