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Thread: Obama in Kenya Presidents differ on gay rights

  1. #1
    Senior Member Nikos's Avatar
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    Obama in Kenya Presidents differ on gay rights

    Obama in Kenya Presidents differ on gay rights

    The response of Kenya's president was not shown by broadcast news. President Kenyatta is quite articulate and diplomatic in rejecting the lecture.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Romans828's Avatar
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  5. #3
    Administrator fuego's Avatar
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    Well it isn't exactly a direct response to what Obama said. It was but it wasn't very strong really and didn't deal directly with the issue.

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    He's making it a democratic issue basically. Whatever the Kenyan voters want. He's suggesting that anti-gay sentiments are in an overwhelming majority in Kenya.

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    FresnoJoe (07-29-2015)

  9. #5
    Senior Member Cardinal TT's Avatar
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    Obama lecturing other nations and promoting sinful lifestyle is incredible. He really is a tool of satan to promote evil

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Nikos's Avatar
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    Remember when Obama said he didn't believe in same sex marriage. Then He changed his mind.
    I think he didn't change his mind at all. He always believed in it. He was simply playing politics.
    What audacity to go to another nation and condemn them for their moral beliefs. He is as you say, a tool of the enemy. He needs to stay out of other Nation's business.

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    FresnoJoe (07-29-2015)

  13. #7
    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikos View Post
    Remember when Obama said he didn't believe in same sex marriage. Then He changed his mind.
    I think he didn't change his mind at all. He always believed in it. He was simply playing politics.
    What audacity to go to another nation and condemn them for their moral beliefs. He is as you say, a tool of the enemy. He needs to stay out of other Nation's business.
    The Mormon guy changed his mind a couple of times on abortion too, these are political players. Some are chameleons, some have an agenda. Obama is playing the civil rights card in relation to gay rights, everything is built on the notion that some people simply are gay, beyond own choices and environmental input. A notion that isn't supported by any science, it amounts to nothing more than a social consensus - including among scientists.

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Colonel For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (07-29-2015), Romans828 (07-27-2015)

  15. #8
    Yes, there is an aspect of cultural imperialism in what Obama said, especially given that the US is the more powerful of the two nations; however, he was responding to a question put to him by a reporter, rather than giving a prepared speech.

    Any attempt to condition financial aid, either direct assistance or via the IMF or World Bank, on Kenya changing their laws, would truly represent cultural imperialism; i hope it doesn't come to that.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to njtom For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (07-29-2015)

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