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Thread: When did you come to the Lord and what prompted that decision?

  1. #11
    Administrator fuego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Romans828 View Post
    1. Got Baptized at age 12...
    Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that being raised baptist, I was baptized when I was 7. I went down a sinner...and came up a wet sinner.

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  3. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by fuego View Post
    But at some point in the middle of the book, I just laid it down on the arm of the chair, and very simply asked Jesus to come into my heart. No fireworks or bells or whistles, just a simple sincere prayer, and picked the book back up and kept reading...

    ...When that clean layer had pushed the dirty layer up to where it hit my throat, I began to scream and cry out uncontrollably (not realizing until later once I learned more that I had actually been delivered of devils) and then began to speak in tongues on the tail end of that.
    Tucking this away for a future thread...can a Christian have a demon. ;)

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  5. #13
    Senior Member Nikos's Avatar
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    I was baptized at the age of 16 in a river, running water.

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  7. #14
    Since Krys asked me to post my story, I'll do it for her, but I'll be brief.

    I was not raised in Church and considered myself agnostic. I did have a lot of godly heritage though, especially with my grandmother on my mother's side and, my great uncle on my dad's side. My mother gave me a ouija board when I was 10 years old for Christmas. Needless to say, that opened a door into the occult realm, and I found myself constantly being drawn to occult stuff over the years. I was a partyer, hedonist, agnostic, god mocker until age 23.

    I was working for a very strong Christian woman of God who prayed me into the Kingdom (her as well as others that were in my path over the years). She put me on every prayer list she could think of, as prompted by the Lord. I was going to a palm reader somewhat searching for answers about my life when I was flipping the channels and heard a sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley. I stopped and it was like he was literally talking to me personally. I had never experienced anything like that in my life, ever. I gave my heart to Jesus that night and when I woke up the next day, I literally felt like a completely different person.

    When I shared with the woman I worked for, who prayed me into the Kingdom, she got up and started jumping up and down and dancing in the room and saying, "I prayed for you! I put you on prayer lists everywhere!" She then told me about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, albeit she was not specific and didn't point me to scripture or anything, I don't think. But she stressed the importance of it. So I went home and read about it in the Book of Acts. So I sincerely sought for the baptism.....I didn't really know what to do. At all. So I was determined this tongues thing was going to manifest and I wasn't going anywhere until it did. So I prayed and asked the Lord, "Fill me with your Spirit", over and over. I kept telling the Lord I believed His Word, and just kept at it. So after a while, I felt this amazing tingling/warmth/electricity start at my feet, increase a lot in my stomach area, and it just kept filling me up. When it got to my throat, a full tongues "language" just came out, completely natural. I started to cry. For me, it was such an amazing sign that God was indeed REAL. You have to understand, I came out of god mockery and agnosticism, so this sealed it once and for all for me. I was never the same. I never looked back. I knew I owed God my life, and that was that.

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  9. #15
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    Both my parents were raised in Christian homes. My mom abandoned the faith some time before I was born, my dad got saved in a Billy Graham meeting in 1965 but wasn't particularly active about it. I grew up with notions of a Christian God but nothing more than that. By the time I was a teenager I basically didn't believe in anything. Not because it was popular among others but simply because I had become like that. Like many teenagers I committed various sins but never anything really bad or criminal. I was a small time sinner basically. When I was 17 my uncle's family moved from up North and to the same town. They were Christians and became members of a Pentecostal/Charismatic/Word-of-faith church in Oslo. I had always had a good relation to my cousins so I interacted with them a lot and they someone managed to get around my non-belief and coldness towards the things of God. I read some books they had, among others a bricklike book on healing from the early 1900s that I made my way through and I decided to take those things seriously as I read about it. Somewhere inside my head I had made myself very demanding in relation to God being very real for me to be convinced that he was there but somewhere during that time he managed to convince me that he was real, at that level. One night as I was alone and was thinking about these things I simply decided that I believed according to the Christian tenets and confessed that out and the light was turned on in my spirit and I was born again. It took some Bible reading and a few months before I was baptized in the Spirit.

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  11. #16
    Administrator fuego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krystian View Post
    Tucking this away for a future thread...can a Christian have a demon. ;)
    I was wondering if someone would pick up on that. :)

    I was a Christian and demons came out. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

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  13. #17
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    I was raised Lutheran ... literally grew up in an independent Lutheran Church where my father was an elder, played the organ and conducted the choir so we were there all the time - or at least it felt like it. Always thought of myself as a follower of Jesus, but when I got engaged to a non-believer when I was 20 I had my first really difficult test. I found out I couldn't marry him and breaking up was one of the worst things I've done in my life, but on the other hand this was also the starting point of a deeper relationship With Christ. Shortly after thjs my boyfriend got saved, gloriously, and now we've been married for 46 years. There was still a feeling of emptiness in my life, however, a longing which was filled when we both were baptized in the Holy Ghost and also baptized in water. This was in 1976. Being baptized in water was quite a decision to make because THEN our friends in the Lutheran church thought we were backslidden. Now, they know that we were'nt :) and we're the best of friends . I even speak in their church several times a year :) and they visit our church.

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  15. #18
    Senior Member Lively Stone's Avatar
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    My parents were saved in 1958, and so, when I was six years old, I began going to Sunday School and church in the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination (C&MA), which is an excellent denomination for finding Christ, fellowship with other believers and good, solid training in the word. I was 10 years old and walking home from Daily Vacation Bible School, in August of 1962, when I looked up into the expanse of sunny blue sky and the fluffy white clouds and agreed openly with the truth of the gospel message just told to me and that it was only right for me to receive Jesus, even though I had no serious sin to repent of...I knew that I was not right without Jesus.

    In my teenage years I became rebellious, being a willful child and having a father who was a bit too strong in disciplining this daughter, I began to fall in with the wrong people. I was engaged at 18, and when the fellow dumped me, I went into a serious tailspin, thinking and speaking out loud deep in the night to some unknown listener that I was worthless and worthy of abandonment. I sat up in the darkness of my room in the early morning hours and looked into a mirror I couldn't see, and said, "I hate you!" Satan took that declaration and ran with it. That took me into a secret life of promiscuity and self-loathing---all the while trying to witness to the people who came and went into my life.

    Finally, at age 22, after much hurt and failure, I got down on my knees and repented of my waywardness and willfulness and my sin, and asked the Lord to help me find a husband, a man who would love me like He does, and if I was to remain single all my life, I would do it! I told the Lord I would not date until He brought the right man before me. Well, that was June, and in August, my husband, whom I had known since first grade came into my life---and it is a funny little story, too!---and in October we were engaged and were married just three months later, in January! I had to relate to my husband before we were engaged about my past, and he was fine with it saying that seeing as God has forgiven me, who is he to hold a sin over my head?

    I read the book, "How To Live Like a King's Kid" by Harold Hill. (I just bought another copy this year, as it had become threadbare!) It was the one book that taught me about the freedom we have in Christ and the wonderful authority we have in Jesus! No fear! I highly recommend this book to all! (I was delivered of a demon of fear sometime later).

    We had three daughters and raised them in the Alliance, but felt in their teenage years it was not a good place, what with the cliquishness there and also other factors that impacted my life considerably. We had some unrest and had no idea what to do, so the Lord moved us into the city and to another nondenominational, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led church and we both began to grow exponentially!

    I had an experience with the Holy Spirit back when I was about 20, with tongues, but I was never encouraged in it, and just before we moved, I went to see Joyce Meyer in Buffalo and received another infilling of the Holy Spirit with tongues, and so when we moved into our new church, it was definitely not a spiritual culture shock! What a glorious place God has led us to, and what great heights He has taken us to!

    God knew the trials that would befall us here at this time of our lives, and He set about to get us ready for them! Being firmly planted in His house of choice for us, and fully engaged with God and living His way with His help, we have found the strength and courage to face the adversities that have come our way and are embracing victory even before we have it in hand! Knowing the God of the universe, personally, holds for me the greatest joy in knowing who I am in Jesus Christ!

    It's all about Jesus, and the unspeakable joy and strength He gives us, His kids!
    Last edited by Lively Stone; 09-13-2015 at 03:40 AM.

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  17. #19
    Administrator fuego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lively Stone View Post
    I read the book, "How To Live Like a King's Kid" by Harold Hill.
    If you have not read my testimony in post #3 go read it. :)

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to fuego For This Useful Post:

    FresnoJoe (09-20-2015)

  19. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Lively Stone View Post husband, whom I had known since first grade came into my life---and it is a funny little story, too!
    Awesome testimony LS and now you've inspired a new thread...tell us the rest of the story. ;)

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