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Thread: How did the Lord reveal these things to you?

  1. #1
    * Toxic Troll - Negative Nancy Farm Truck's Avatar
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    How did the Lord reveal these things to you?

    Great testimony Farm Truck! How did the Lord reveal these things to you? Did he send somebody by to give you a bible whoopin?
    Actually I was like a lot of Christians... I got saved, and life started beating me down, in other words the devil was slapping me around with sickness, defeat, poverty, homelessness, depression, etc, etc. This was over 3 decades ago and I quickly got tired of putting up with satan's garbage. You might not mind it, but I do because Jesus paid an awesome price to set me free!

    What He did or did not do for you is between you and Him... I'm simply speaking from what God has taught me.

    I began to take God's written Word as... well, His Word! (apparently, unlike some folks here but we shouldn't be naming names since your unbelief cannot make my faith of no effect where my life is concerned - let God be true, but every man a liar, Romans 3:3,4).

    I found out that there is a Blood Covenant between Jesus and the Father... and I was invited to participate by not only living IN CHRIST, but by allowing the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ to live in me as this was God's will for my life (2 Corinthians 6:16).

    Jesus taught me that satan has no choice but to back up when I'm standing on God's Word as I speak it, act on it, meditate on it, and live as though God is right and everything that is not in agreement with God is wrong and need to repent and get right or face being cut off. We were created to be inhabited by our Creator and we live in His creation... many do not think of this, but God reserves the right to cut off all darkness and opposition from His creation which is exactly what He is going to do.

    Now, He has given all men ample opportunity to repent and get right with Him (Titus 2:11, Romans 1:20) for the purpose of being in agreement with Him (how can two walk together unless they be agreed? Amos 3:3).

    If you folks will go back and re-read the Gospels... you'll see that Jesus (Paul as well) was a little on the rude side to those that had access to God's Word yet were not walking with them as they should. In today's weak, sissy, crybay church... there are a few ministers with guts that are being rude to wake people up for their own good!

    Because, many are living under a false sense of security thinking that once saved always saved is true and there's no real need to actually have a close relationship with the Lord. That violates the purpose of your existence!

    So, if you are a person that is sincere with the Lord in your relationship with Him and you are walking with Him according to the knowledge you have... then please disregard any of my posts that you think may be rude as they are not directed at you. But, to those guilty dogs barkin... you may be offended because deep down the Lord is trying to tell you "we need to be closer, and now is a good time to start!"

    Of course the Lord is gracious and loving, but read Hebrews 12 and please do understand that His correction yields the fruit of righteousness... and we all need that. I remind the Lord frequently of what He said in John 15 that the Father would purge me so that I may bare more fruit.

    I dare ya... pray that prayer and let the Lord correct you in the areas that need to be spruced up a bit. We are all in constant need of correction and it's not a bad thing, unless you reject the Lord's correction as many Christians today do. According to Hebrews 12 that makes them bastards and illegitimate children because to reject the Lord's correction IS to reject the leading of the Holy Spirit!

    For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:14)

    So, please don't get all offended if I speak a word that you think is a little rude. Why not look at the scripture as God speaking to you... because it is.

    Someone should save him from himself...
    I have died to self... so that's already taken place.

    I'm just not a big fan of patty cake Christianity where we all have sore arms from patting each other on the back so much. There is spiritual growth to be had and as we get further in to the last of the last daze, now is the time to check your foundation!

    Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12)

    Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. (Hebrews 2:1)

    Alrighty then, carry on and as you were :book:

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Farm Truck For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
    So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John's Avatar
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    Ok, so the answer is no, no bible whoopin. Thanks FT.

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    FresnoJoe (08-24-2015)

  5. #3
    * Toxic Troll - Negative Nancy Farm Truck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Ok, so the answer is no, no bible whoopin. Thanks FT.
    Nope, just the revelation that if I sow to the Spirit I'll reap Zoe Life... but if I sow to the flesh, I'll reap corruption because God is not mocked, whatever we sow is what we reap (Galatians 6:7,8)

    God even gives us the answer... choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19)

    Sadly though, the modern church re-defines evil as been good in many cases so they can walk after the flesh and still think they are saved.

    In the end, Jesus tells those that are workers of iniquity to depart, so it's time to start talking about walking after the Spirit which is walking after God's instructions found in His Word.

    Knowing what NOT to do, is very important for those desiring to know what TO do... which is why God has made the Mind of Christ available to us so we can see things from His perspective rather than from our own from the perspective of living in the carnal, natural world full of the effects of sin.

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    FresnoJoe (08-24-2015)

  7. #4
    Hey, that's the first thread you've ever started, good job and good testimony.

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    FresnoJoe (08-24-2015)

  9. #5
    * Toxic Troll - Negative Nancy Farm Truck's Avatar
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    OK, thanks. I did not know I had not started a thread come to think of it.

    I'll try to keep that down to a minimum.

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  11. #6
    So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farm Truck View Post
    Alrighty then, carry on and as you were
    jar head?

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    FresnoJoe (08-24-2015)

  13. #7
    * Toxic Troll - Negative Nancy Farm Truck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    jar head?
    No, just normal skull

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    FresnoJoe (08-24-2015)

  15. #8
    Senior Member Cardinal TT's Avatar
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    In today's weak, sissy, crybay church...

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  17. #9
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farm Truck View Post
    Actually I was like a lot of Christians... I got saved, and life started beating me down, in other words the devil was slapping me around with sickness, defeat, poverty, homelessness, depression, etc, etc. This was over 3 decades ago and I quickly got tired of putting up with satan's garbage. You might not mind it, but I do because Jesus paid an awesome price to set me free!

    What He did or did not do for you is between you and Him... I'm simply speaking from what God has taught me.

    I began to take God's written Word as... well, His Word! (apparently, unlike some folks here but we shouldn't be naming names since your unbelief cannot make my faith of no effect where my life is concerned - let God be true, but every man a liar, Romans 3:3,4).

    I found out that there is a Blood Covenant between Jesus and the Father... and I was invited to participate by not only living IN CHRIST, but by allowing the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ to live in me as this was God's will for my life (2 Corinthians 6:16).

    Jesus taught me that satan has no choice but to back up when I'm standing on God's Word as I speak it, act on it, meditate on it, and live as though God is right and everything that is not in agreement with God is wrong and need to repent and get right or face being cut off. We were created to be inhabited by our Creator and we live in His creation... many do not think of this, but God reserves the right to cut off all darkness and opposition from His creation which is exactly what He is going to do.

    Now, He has given all men ample opportunity to repent and get right with Him (Titus 2:11, Romans 1:20) for the purpose of being in agreement with Him (how can two walk together unless they be agreed? Amos 3:3).

    If you folks will go back and re-read the Gospels... you'll see that Jesus (Paul as well) was a little on the rude side to those that had access to God's Word yet were not walking with them as they should. In today's weak, sissy, crybay church... there are a few ministers with guts that are being rude to wake people up for their own good!

    Because, many are living under a false sense of security thinking that once saved always saved is true and there's no real need to actually have a close relationship with the Lord. That violates the purpose of your existence!

    So, if you are a person that is sincere with the Lord in your relationship with Him and you are walking with Him according to the knowledge you have... then please disregard any of my posts that you think may be rude as they are not directed at you. But, to those guilty dogs barkin... you may be offended because deep down the Lord is trying to tell you "we need to be closer, and now is a good time to start!"

    Of course the Lord is gracious and loving, but read Hebrews 12 and please do understand that His correction yields the fruit of righteousness... and we all need that. I remind the Lord frequently of what He said in John 15 that the Father would purge me so that I may bare more fruit.

    I dare ya... pray that prayer and let the Lord correct you in the areas that need to be spruced up a bit. We are all in constant need of correction and it's not a bad thing, unless you reject the Lord's correction as many Christians today do. According to Hebrews 12 that makes them bastards and illegitimate children because to reject the Lord's correction IS to reject the leading of the Holy Spirit!

    For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:14)

    So, please don't get all offended if I speak a word that you think is a little rude. Why not look at the scripture as God speaking to you... because it is.

    I have died to self... so that's already taken place.

    I'm just not a big fan of patty cake Christianity where we all have sore arms from patting each other on the back so much. There is spiritual growth to be had and as we get further in to the last of the last daze, now is the time to check your foundation!

    Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12)

    Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. (Hebrews 2:1)

    Alrighty then, carry on and as you were :book:
    Thank you but I would make one tiny note...Paul was straightforward with truth in love..he was not RUDE..He did not speak to his brethren with sarcasm and condescending tones which is rudeness.

    I never read Paul's writings and sense rudeness...

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    FresnoJoe (08-24-2015)

  19. #10
    So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John's Avatar
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    Well Farm Truck I must say that I admire your zeal, your heart seems to be in the right place.

    Proverbs 19:2 It is dangerous to have zeal without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily makes poor choices (sins).

    So while the Lord does indeed chasten those whom He loves, there is no biblical support for "constant correction".

    I dare ya... pray that prayer and let the Lord correct you in the areas that need to be spruced up a bit. We are all in constant need of correction and it's not a bad thing, unless you reject the Lord's correction as many Christians today do.
    I think we are all aware of people who engage in "corrective ministry", there is even a thread floating around here that addresses it. The Hanky panky Honnegraffs and Macarthurs of the world are fooling only themselves and anyone with a speck of discernment knows that behind all that whitewash is a garden of sin. Now, I'm not saying that you are sinful, that is not my point, the point is that a word delivered in due season will have an anointed impact, it will break chains, deliver those in need and put the devil to flee and produce everlasting fruit

    Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
    A continual flow of rudeness, stark preaching and lack of concern for others will produce bad seed. You will provoke anger, bitterness, frustration, the devil can quote scripture and often does in an attempt to tear down, he loves condemnation, that is his business. The Lord is not in that business, the tearing down of people but offers us the anointing for the tearing down of strongholds. His way is many faceted, He does not give us a constant diet of correction, he guides us, bears with us, forgives us, instructs us, convicts us, tends to our needs and on occasion does bring correction, even chastisement as part of his loving kindness, it is just one of many tools. He has put many of those tools at your disposal, He can be a hammer but as we know, not everything is a nail. So on occasion it may be useful, beneficial for the building up of others to bring a strong word but there is more, much more available.

    Proverbs 15:32 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.

    To your zeal, add understanding so that you may bear good fruit.

  20. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to John For This Useful Post:

    A.J. (08-24-2015), FresnoJoe (08-24-2015), krystian (08-24-2015), Quest (08-24-2015)

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