If I was banned from a church, they wouldn't have to worry about keeping me from attending services!
If I was banned from a church, they wouldn't have to worry about keeping me from attending services!
FresnoJoe (08-09-2015)
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
Yeah, that pesky Book that God wrote... some folk treat it like a bag of trail mix!
You know, "I like that" on some scriptures and "I don't like that" on other scriptures.
It's time that all true believers receive the challenge of the Holy Ghost to be led in to ALL of the Truth (God's Word) and accept the entire counsel of God... which means we are going to have to endure correction spoken of in Hebrews 12.
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
I would go to other forums and defend Benny Hinn and others to see how long before I was banned ? Usually a 1 day visit !
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
Never been banned that I can recall... A few years back though, I used to go in chat in this one forum though, and one of the crazy (like, real crazy, like, real, real crazy) mods there was always kicking me out of chat and threatening the banhammer.
I sure am glad she is not still around.
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)
c below.... rats...
FresnoJoe (08-23-2015)