I didn't bring this topic up. It is a topic for all to read and then all should be able to post on this public forum. I think that there should be an apology for trying to manipulate the forum.
Gimme a break.
AJ simply made a request to stay on topic and she is extending a lot of grace to those who went off topic, seems she is the one that is owed an apology.
I realize that she does not receive criticism well,
Thank you, thank you very much. Gosh, Nikos, I love and respect you, too.
Right, she sure spazzed out when you criticized her.
but if we are going to have a forum then it is for all. Sorry, I will not, and refuse to put my comments anywhere else. If the Mods do not like it that I am giving my opinion, then they can ban me...
You are SO outta here!!!
You should be grateful that we're blessed with patient and gracious mods here, she could have warned you or just closed the thread but she didn't.