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Thread: Chip?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Smitty's Avatar
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    This is a testimony of a person who had a revelation of the Mark.
    It's well told, and the graphics are good also. I think it's worth the 18 minutes to view because of the information that is revealed.
    If you put God First, you have Him at Last.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Smitty For This Useful Post:

    Romans828 (12-23-2024)

  3. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
    This is a testimony of a person who had a revelation of the Mark.
    It's well told, and the graphics are good also. I think it's worth the 18 minutes to view because of the information that is revealed.
    Covid was the great test and prep for the receiving the Mark. Direct corellation. God is sending that strong delusion of (2Thes 2:11) that they would believe the lie. We are not far from this.

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to FireBrand For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
    Administrator fuego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireBrand View Post
    Covid was the great test and prep for the receiving the Mark. Direct corellation. God is sending that strong delusion of (2Thes 2:11) that they would believe the lie. We are not far from this.
    After covid you can definitely see how people would receive it. Had a hard time believing it until covid.
    Look, as it were, through a telescope that will bring it up near to you; look into hell, and hear them groan; then turn the glass upwards and look at heaven, and see the saints there, in their white robes, with their harps in their hands, and hear them sing the song of redeeming love; and ask yourself--Is it possible, that I should prevail with God to elevate the sinner there? Do this, and if you are not a wicked man, and a stranger to God, you will soon have as much of the spirit of prayer as your body can sustain. -Charles Finney 'The Spirit of Prayer' from 'Lectures On Revivals of Religion'

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Smitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireBrand View Post
    Covid was the great test and prep for the receiving the Mark. Direct corellation. God is sending that strong delusion of (2Thes 2:11) that they would believe the lie. We are not far from this.
    It was amazing how many people took the jabs due to the lies and deception that was spread by government officials. Many were threatened to be let go from their place of employment if they rejected the shots. This was enough to force people to get "jabbed" even if they didn't want too. There were also those who refused it and accepted being terminated from their jobs. Yes, the Covid shots were a prelude to what is coming according to Revelation chapter 13. Those who are outside of Christ will obey and agree to take the mark when it's implemented into society so their families won't starve. What about Christians? I'll start with me. No, I won't take it. There will be many Christian families faced with the decision to take it to avoid losing their income, having their bank account shut down, and not being able to buy food to feed their kids. There will be pressure and personal trials that we as believers have never faced before in America. We've had it good here for the most part of our lives. But that will change one day when forced to take the mark or become an outcast from society. The thought that has helped me make my decision ahead of that dreadful time, is eternity. Would I jeopardize my eternal soul just get some temporary supplies in order to survive? We all know the warning found in Revelation 13. If you take the mark you will forfeit your soul and be lost for all eternity.
    If you put God First, you have Him at Last.

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    Romans828 (12-23-2024)

  9. #5
    Administrator fuego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
    It was amazing how many people took the jabs due to the lies and deception that was spread by government officials. Many were threatened to be let go from their place of employment if they rejected the shots. This was enough to force people to get "jabbed" even if they didn't want too. There were also those who refused it and accepted being terminated from their jobs. Yes, the Covid shots were a prelude to what is coming according to Revelation chapter 13. Those who are outside of Christ will obey and agree to take the mark when it's implemented into society so their families won't starve. What about Christians? I'll start with me. No, I won't take it. There will be many Christian families faced with the decision to take it to avoid losing their income, having their bank account shut down, and not being able to buy food to feed their kids. There will be pressure and personal trials that we as believers have never faced before in America. We've had it good here for the most part of our lives. But that will change one day when forced to take the mark or become an outcast from society. The thought that has helped me make my decision ahead of that dreadful time, is eternity. Would I jeopardize my eternal soul just get some temporary supplies in order to survive? We all know the warning found in Revelation 13. If you take the mark you will forfeit your soul and be lost for all eternity.
    Obviously, at least to me, one would have to take the mark willingly and knowing what it was to be damned by it if they were a Christian. So it would have to be obvious what it was about. I saw one of those I died and saw Jesus or whatever videos, and they said something interesting in it, that when one willingly takes the mark, it actually changes their psyche, meaning their soul changes to where they approve what is going on, etc. Can't remember exactly, but it did make sense. That taking the mark changes you and conforms you to what is going on. It's not something you regret after you get it.
    Look, as it were, through a telescope that will bring it up near to you; look into hell, and hear them groan; then turn the glass upwards and look at heaven, and see the saints there, in their white robes, with their harps in their hands, and hear them sing the song of redeeming love; and ask yourself--Is it possible, that I should prevail with God to elevate the sinner there? Do this, and if you are not a wicked man, and a stranger to God, you will soon have as much of the spirit of prayer as your body can sustain. -Charles Finney 'The Spirit of Prayer' from 'Lectures On Revivals of Religion'

  10. #6
    Senior Member Smitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuego View Post
    Obviously, at least to me, one would have to take the mark willingly and knowing what it was to be damned by it if they were a Christian. So it would have to be obvious what it was about. I saw one of those I died and saw Jesus or whatever videos, and they said something interesting in it, that when one willingly takes the mark, it actually changes their psyche, meaning their soul changes to where they approve what is going on, etc. Can't remember exactly, but it did make sense. That taking the mark changes you and conforms you to what is going on. It's not something you regret after you get it.
    Yes, I've heard that too. I don't know if it's demon possession, altered DNA, but something evil and sinister invades the individual. They may even know that what they've done has damned their soul and there is no more hope. They will worship the anti-christ and his image. Maybe they took it be because God sent a strong delusion. There are probably those who hate Christ Jesus and took it to spite Him as well as show their allegiance to anti-christ and the image of the beast.
    If you put God First, you have Him at Last.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
    Yes, I've heard that too. I don't know if it's demon possession, altered DNA, but something evil and sinister invades the individual. They may even know that what they've done has damned their soul and there is no more hope. They will worship the anti-christ and his image. Maybe they took it be because God sent a strong delusion. There are probably those who hate Christ Jesus and took it to spite Him as well as show their allegiance to anti-christ and the image of the beast.
    You know, a friend and I were discussing this, but does that even happen in the U.S.? Or is that just confined to Europe, the Middle East, etc? I'm not so sure that happens here.
    Look, as it were, through a telescope that will bring it up near to you; look into hell, and hear them groan; then turn the glass upwards and look at heaven, and see the saints there, in their white robes, with their harps in their hands, and hear them sing the song of redeeming love; and ask yourself--Is it possible, that I should prevail with God to elevate the sinner there? Do this, and if you are not a wicked man, and a stranger to God, you will soon have as much of the spirit of prayer as your body can sustain. -Charles Finney 'The Spirit of Prayer' from 'Lectures On Revivals of Religion'

  13. #8
    Senior Member Smitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuego View Post
    You know, a friend and I were discussing this, but does that even happen in the U.S.? Or is that just confined to Europe, the Middle East, etc? I'm not so sure that happens here.
    Yah, who really knows but God Himself. I'm sure there will be a lot of surprises that catch believers off guard because they thought prophetic events related to the last days didn't go according to how they thought they would pan out. As we get nearer to the Lord's return, we can be assured we will witness a lot that's recorded in Scripture that has not come to pass as of yet.
    If you put God First, you have Him at Last.

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  15. #9
    Senior Member Romans828's Avatar
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    I've been telling the Saints for years to be vigilant, because the so-called answer to the problem of identity theft will be a "chip" that is implanted which will eliminate the need for cash, credit cards, and any form of identification.

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  17. #10
    Senior Member Smitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Romans828 View Post
    I've been telling the Saints for years to be vigilant, because the so-called answer to the problem of identity theft will be a "chip" that is implanted which will eliminate the need for cash, credit cards, and any form of identification.
    Yes, the masses of the population will accept it because it would make perfect sense to end bank card crime and stolen identity crime if all buying, selling, proof of ID were all contained within a chip inserted into the candidate to receive such technology. It's already here. My dog has a chip inserted in her. If she is lost, the call center could track her and then scan her when found to get the vital information for the dog to be returned to us. When the chip is released to the general public, it will be hailed as a technological breakthrough to end all paper and plastic card transactions. Need proof to prove who you are, scan me. No pictured ID needed. You can already use your credit cards on your phone and enter the airport and board your flight with the information needed conveniently stored in your phone.
    If you put God First, you have Him at Last.

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