Blah blah blah ..WAKE UP ... get your head out of all these DUMB BLOGS and Johnny Come lately Social Media Commentators who think History began and ended with Netanyahu and Neocon's and the Military Industrial Complex or whatever your new bogey man is that wont let you see the trees from the forest.
The war already started years ago actually centuries ago..Its called JIHAD.. Its 1500 years old , It needs no external catalyst and makes no apologies. Its how the Middle east got shaped and how the world is being shaped
.Iran isn't methodically surrounding Israel with proxies so they can one day have a picnic . Its doing so because THE Shia believe the MAHDI or the Twelfth Imam Or the Turbaned One requires the destruction of Israel before his Return .. That's why the Ayatollahs in Iran wear Turbans ..and why the Iranians are singularly focused on this mission despite not being Arab or having the slightest care about Palestinian Arabs ..
Again wake up and expand your horizons.... gheesh ...
Jesus said there would be WARS and Rumors of Wars so SORRY you cant pray them away . They will happen . The question again is whose side will you be on or would you rather play ostrich?
And for the 1000th time nobody wants America to go to war on behalf of Israel ... I certainly don't ,, Just like Esther asked the Persian King to allow the Jews defend themselves I believe Israel should be able to defend themselves .. so please spare me the trillions of dollars /neo-con speech and pay close attention to what is actually being said.
And to the Colonel , in the same vein there is nothing unchristian in Israel preemptively defending itself its the WISE AND PRUDENT thing to do and Wisdom and Prudence are INDEED Christian traits