17 (A)Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
18 Lest the Lord see it, and [a]it displease Him,
And He turn away His wrath from him.
17 (A)Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
18 Lest the Lord see it, and [a]it displease Him,
And He turn away His wrath from him.
You had to give Nikos a new scripture to play with didn't you kyrstian?
17 (A)Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
18 Lest the Lord see it, and [a]it displease Him,
And He turn away His wrath from him.