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  1. #131
    Senior Member diakonos777's Avatar
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    Good stuff here, then a ways in he talks about Kenneth Copeland and Hagin. The next video I put it where he gets to it.

    So I email them, I will post them here my first and a Pastor there's reply.

    To Athey Creek on web-site.

    What is this regarding?: Something else
    Message: {Don't know if your even read this, I heard about your e-mail thing once, (snicker, but).

    Greetings Pastor Brett,
    I have watched your teachings on U-Tube for nearly these last 2 years and have learned a lot. Love your teaching standard and approach to the Word of God. You popped up on my U-Tube feed once and been watching every since. I'm a 62 born-again Christian man, and attend/member of a 4 Square Gospel Church in my hometown. I'm Word of Faith like in doctrine, I guess, in as far as confessing the Word, Roman road towards salvation, standing on His promises, battlefield of the mind, healing, gifts of the Holy Spirit and I suppose more. Never been alerted to anything in question of what you teach ever. It's Good Friday, and was catching up on your channel. Just watched your March 30th one, I got a bit confused when you got to comments about Kenneth Copeland. Few months back you gave him thanks on the use of his jet to rescue folks overseas, that the White House today blamed Trump on for the pull out in Afghanistan.

    I don't know if I ever heard Copeland preach on Jesus suffering in hell, I know I heard that said before. Didn't agree I know when I heard or read that and didn't take it in my heart to even be concerned about really. I know He defeated satan, got the Victory over death and all the enemy can throw at us. I walk faith to faith and glory to glory, to God be the glory in Jesus Name. I never put much into the $ Gospel either that Copeland use to preach. I've used his Faith to Faith devotional lots over the years. If there is something I question, or above my level of discernment. I don't let it rest in my heart of hearts. But I post some of their stuff like I do yours on a intercession prayer Whatsup App our Church uses and Facebook & Tweeter. Learned something from 1 Peter 3: 18-20 today from your teaching I must have read over that many times it didn't stick. The part about Jesus preaching to the prisoners. Good stuff!

    Now Kenneth Hagin, listened to some of his things, as well as Copland's. John Kirkpatrick, John Hagee, Michael Koulianos, Joseph Prince Ministries, Jonathan Cahn Official, Allen Jackson Ministries, Lester Sumrall, and your channel I watch a lot.

    Now with the Word of Faith practice things I used that really got me spiritual victory was in casting out bad thoughts, thoughts not of God's will or ways. By saying it out of my mouth that I'm not takiing that thought (of what ever0 in the Name of Jesus. Then confessing Scripture to replace that type of thought life. The big one was a Word I got on Resurrection Sunday 2004 after seeing the Passion on that Good Friday. After my repentance of being backsliden for so many years that Sunday morning. My Pastor told me "It takes acts of obedience to empower the Holy Spirit." That lit a fire in me and I put the things of renewing my mind to Christ to work. 2 Corinthians10:5,6. Gotta end there on that cause my testimony would freak your weirdness, Lol.

    Well, back to why the email. You said some of the teachings of Copeland might be satanic even, then mention K. Hagin as both wrong in doctrine. I thought wow, that's a pretty serious call. My question is how & where, on what?

    Well, hope to hear a reply. So thank you and may the LORD'S blessing be upon ya'alls ministry. In Him Gene

    The Reply:

    From: Bryan Maurice
    Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 2:03 PM
    Subject: Question: Athey Creek Christian Fellowship

    Hi Gene,

    I'm glad to know you enjoy studying God's word with us.

    I will point you to some resources that should help answer your question. If I were to go into all the details of the false teaching, it would be a longer email. However, I can tell you that the most important and biggest doctrinal issue is the diminishment of Jesus and the elevation of man.

    Please check out the following resources:
    -Mike Winger
    -Gotquestions Is the Word of Faith movement biblical? |
    -Christianity in Crisis

    In Christ,

    Bryan Maurice | Online Pastor
    Office: (971) 327-2120

    Got a few more, but how they get WOF puts man as little gods. Got questions deal quote,, Simply put, the Word of Faith movement exalts man to god-status and reduces God to man-status.
    Last edited by diakonos777; 04-16-2023 at 12:11 AM.

  2. #132
    Senior Member diakonos777's Avatar
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    My reply:

    From: Gene Gamble Jr <>
    Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 2:47 PM
    To: Bryan Maurice <>
    Subject: RE: Question: Athey Creek Christian Fellowship

    Thank you for replying back. The link from Mike, seen before and his mentioning of Justin Peters (Calvinist). Would probably say the doctrine of Athey Creek was false teachings since as Brett I heard say you all were Charismatic. I'd hoped that Brett would have replied back, since it was his words and as a Brother in Christ. Me having questioned him on something as harsh in his talking about a Pastor. Let me paraphrase here a bit on what the Word says in "Go to the Brother thing." I understand how busy the man is, don't get me wrong. But they were his words. Now don't think of me being dogmatic here. I'll paraphrase again in saying.

    The Word says on the Holy Spirit "ONLY" can make a man say "Jesus is LORD". Now Copeland confesses this a lot. Satan's time to confess that has not yet come, and if I'm right he cannot now. So the calling him satanic does not line up to me. Now, I'll admit he seems to go over board at times. I posted their doctrine here.

    What We Believe
    The mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries is to minister the Word of Faith, by teaching believers who they are in Christ Jesus; taking them from the milk of the Word to the meat, and from religion to reality.
    We believe in one God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator of all things. We believe that The LORD Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died and was buried; He was resurrected, ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father and is true God and true man.

    Now that I'd say is sound, its from their web-site. I see the Apostles Creed there a bit, minus the ascended into hell part. I would probably look at one part of what they say there. As He was God in the flesh, as in John. Jesus is the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Man & God. But words in how they aligned in a sentence can make folks try and not get the true drift of the meaning. Some try to set a different narrative to it. My IQ is not to high, 12th grade grad, it is just what it is. But I rely on the Holy Ghost for the simplest of things. So maybe Kenneth got some corrections on things. I maybe heard him preach maybe 30 times in my life and Hagin maybe 10 times.

    WOF to me is confessing the Word against anything not of God. Like for casting out bad thoughts, I'll say out my mouth, I cast that thought out in the Name of Jesus. By Faith that thought is crucified, but a void in my thinking pattern is open,, so I must fill that void. Or like Jesus said in the Word, 7 more stronger may fill that void. (Paraphrasing) Like that room has not been filled with the mind of Christ, Word of God, God's will for Christian thought. It can also be looked at as lifting up that Shield of Faith and using the Sword of the Spirit against it. Which is renewing one's mind as Paul taught. That is also the practice in which WOF relates too. From Copeland web-site here in reference to what I just said.

    ~ "The wisdom of God's WORD can help you with ANY situation in which you may find yourself. Generally, our teachings fall within one of these categories: Finances, Relationships, Healing, Prayer, Faith, Life & Work, and Spiritual Growth." ~

    Speaking what Jesus said (The Word of God, Jesus is the Word) towards those things. Standing on His promises by confessing them. All of which is in line with God's will. Now Mike says in another video he talks about WOF as to not abiding by God's will when they will say it's not God's will that you have this sickness or disease or what have ya. As to we won't relate to Christ's sufferings. Which is not what it is at all.

    We know that is part of the walk, we may have to travel it. But here's how I understand it. I'm type 1 diabetic have been for nearly over 30 some years. A generation curse I believe as well. I pray for deliverance from it, to be healed.
    So one says well Jesus didn't heal you. Then I will say well, I walk Faith to Faith and glory to glory that the Father will be glorified to God be the glory. I'm still in the condition, I give Him praise and I will not back off on His promises of healing. If Jesus defeated the works of hell that can come against us, (which is just a part of the defeat) and God does not do evil. WOF stands on what Jesus defeated. It's not denying God's will that things may come against us or our suffering as Christ did. WE throw up our hands and praise Him as we go through it and pray for healing. And come against the works of the devil with confessing healing Scriptures. What ever opened that door for Satan to attack us is opened. How, why, whatever the Spirit may search our heart towards correction, and things outlined in the Word about confessing and laying on of hands and prayer or fasting my be the deal. But them things come and we confess His Words towards healing nonetheless. Like the conversation in the book of Job, Satan & God. God allowed it but set a limit of the things to come against Job. We don't deny anything happening here, we walk it out in Faith.

    We stand on this promise Jesus said; If I abide in you and you abide in Me and My Word abides in you, ask what you will and it will be done. That's a promise, that's a stance you take in Faith. That's confessing His Word. And we ask in Jesus Name. That the Father be glorified. My claim to me, there towards this:
    It's not the diminishment of Jesus and the elevation of man.

    (The Hell thing) I remember even Joyce Myers repented about saying that in her women's conferences. Now, I got stuff from Joyce Meyers teachings that really helped me grow back in 2004 in renewing my mind to Christ. I got more of the Word in me, I had a study Bible ILumina Life Application Bible of Tyndale. And a hunger for God. I got my eyes opened and on the right road after Good Friday 2004 when thhe Passion played in my home town and weent to a Four Squre Church and repented of my back sliding ways and the Holy Ghost came back into me as it did back in 1991. I got a word from the Pastor before I left that Church that morning. He said Gene, it takes act of obedience to empower the Holy Spirit. I took that word and I put some things into action God had been leading me into in renewing my mind. (Didn't know I using WOF practices as of yet, that came about a year later.)

    In 1991 I prayed and prayed for someone to come and disciple me, I didn't know what was going on in mind and it would just not stop. It was strong my mind felt like jello in my skull. But I had this peace that I just could not believe. When I made that alter call on the old Hymn "Just as I am". This long-haired man of 31 in front of a packed Church. Crying his eyes out like crazy, them Elders laid hands on me and I confessed the sinners prayer before man and confessed I was a sinner. Then confess I needed Jesus my Lord and Savior before man. Some thing came inside me, I had the Holy Spirit but I did not know it really was. I went 2 weeks and realized I had not said one curse word, I was worst than a sailor. I was like 4 months in and the seed fell among the thorns and last email I said I experienced them all. Then after acts of obedience and getting and the Word and seeking Him learning more about prayer and the things of God I was in the Good soil. I got from the LORD two men to disciple me, both from an Apostolic Church, branch of Mennonite and I was attending a Pentecostal Charismatic Church. I know, wow, huh?

    As I said in my last email, I was raised up in a Methodist Church, during Sunday meeting the congregation would recite the Creed. I guess today if I would confess that I would say Hades now and understand it in its meaning from Brett's teaching on that. Like I said I never thought Jesus burned there but never deeply understood it. I discussed it with my Pastor even on our Church's WhatsApp prayer line and that was his understanding that of Brett''s teaching. So maybe a sermon on that might be coming in the future at my Church.

    Athey Creek's "We believe" is more detailed which I like. As WOF believes all that and goes into what that Love of Christ is and stance on the battlefield. I've heard Brett teach on that as well. I'm one that I've heard Brett talked about as well, I don't take lightly what I have been given mercy for. I know the price He paid for me. I pray the Word have it hidden in my heart and use it, because we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus our Blessed Hope. I can do all things through Christ. It's all about Him. I pray/love for Israel as well, and I am a seed of Abraham through Christ Jesus, I am an adopted son of God.

    If Brett would ever have the free time to call me and chat on the phone. I'd welcome it. (XXX-XXX-XXXX) There's a 3 hour difference here, my mornings are usually free. My walk would freak anybody's weirdness, wouldn't mind his take on some of it.

    Well Bryan keep the lamp full of Oil and the wick trimmed Brother, soon we fly. Praise His Name!
    In Him Geneo

    I have a prayer meeting to attend so this took some hours so excuse me if my proof read has loops. I tried,, Lol

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  3. #133
    Senior Member diakonos777's Avatar
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    Reply back to me:

    From: Bryan Maurice
    Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 1:50 PM
    To: Gene Gamble Jr
    Subject: Re: Question: Athey Creek Christian Fellowship

    Hi Gene,

    The sources I recommended clearly point out every aspect of the false teaching and answer everything you've brought up. If you have genuinely and thoroughly researched all the answers given (based on your response it doesn't look like you have) in these sources and you still wish to pursue a defense of this false teacher/ministry, then this will be where we part ways on this topic. If this troubles you, I encourage you to discuss this with your Pastor who has been given charge over you (Hebrews 13:17). I must point out 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 (and there are many other passages) to counter the one-sided thinking that Satan (and/or false teachers) "cannot" mascaraed using half-truths and forms of righteousness to deceive many. You are saying that because Copeland proclaims certain truths and/or confesses Christ, this means that he "cannot" be a deceiving devil teaching false doctrine. This idea (which is the main point throughout your email reply) is misguided. Please read all scriptural passages regarding false teachers for discernment.

    Lastly, I will address the idea that Pastor Brett must defend his calling out of Kenneth Copeland (or false teaching in general) to you directly.
    1. Copeland is more than welcome to address these accusations himself. However, the problem is, according to Titus 3, once division is taking place after 1 or 2 warnings, it is really of no benefit, necessary, and even sinful to have anything to do with him. Hence why no further direct communication will take place.
    2. Pastor Brett is very busy (as you have pointed out twice now) and will not be directly addressing every case of those taking issue with the calling out of false teachers.


    Bryan Maurice | Online Pastor
    Office: (971) 327-2120

  4. #134
    Senior Member diakonos777's Avatar
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    My probably last interaction:

    Hello Bryan,

    Thanks for the rely. Yes I get what your saying about the confronting part towards Copeland. Yes I did watch the video and clicked on all links and checked them out. The last one a book, I just don't buy books these days. I live on $19k a year. So there's that.

    I was pointing out WOF usage mainly I thought and around Scriptures that back confessing the Word. Parts you did not address, but my Pastor also preaches it's practice. Say, paraphrasing here maybe a bit. Casting down of, all imaginations and anything that exalts its self above the knowledge and will of God and capture every thought and bringing them into obedience to Christ. As outlined in about pulling down strongholds, which goes along with renewing of the mind to Christ. KJV (2 Corinthians 10:4 – 6) that goes with what I pointed out in my last reply.

    We stand on this promise Jesus said; If I abide in you and you abide in Me and My Word abides in you, ask what you will and it will be done. That's a promise, that's a stance you take in Faith. That's confessing His Word. And we ask in Jesus Name. That the Father be glorified.
    There are many things that go into renewing one's mind to Christ. Like the Scriptures about keeping your thoughts on things that are pleasing to God.

    How do you yourself (asking as a Brother in Christ) put those into action. There is a old hymn even, "Standing on the promises of God" so how?

    Now Copeland aside, how do we as Christians put these type works of faith into action. The believing God's Word has already been established and it doesn't come back void. The "come back void" there looks like an action word, like "seek first" is an action. I know you want to end the back and forth. But I just don't get how using WOF does not depend totally on the Helper, Jesus and the Father, by confessing it out your mouth.

    Thanks again for your time. Well Bryan keep the lamp full of Oil and the wick trimmed Brother, soon we fly. Praise His Name!
    In Him Geneo

  5. #135
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    Guess the last email was stopped?

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    Update, I finally cut my hair. What a long strange trip it's been - recession, depression, aggregation.-gene-2024-jpg
    Attached Images Attached Images What a long strange trip it's been - recession, depression, aggregation.-gam_2023-jpg 

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    What a long strange trip it's been - recession, depression, aggregation.-gene-richard-jpg

  10. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by diakonos777 View Post
    What a long strange trip it's been - recession, depression, aggregation.-gene-richard-jpg
    Looks like a good meeting!

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    Look, as it were, through a telescope that will bring it up near to you; look into hell, and hear them groan; then turn the glass upwards and look at heaven, and see the saints there, in their white robes, with their harps in their hands, and hear them sing the song of redeeming love; and ask yourself--Is it possible, that I should prevail with God to elevate the sinner there? Do this, and if you are not a wicked man, and a stranger to God, you will soon have as much of the spirit of prayer as your body can sustain. -Charles Finney 'The Spirit of Prayer' from 'Lectures On Revivals of Religion'

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