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Thread: Oneness Pentecostalism

  1. #1
    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    Oneness Pentecostalism

    Here's a new two-minute video by Dr. Brown where he offers his thoughts on Oneness Pentecostalism.

    Whereas I agree with him that the cultic kind probably isn't saved (snake handlers just to start somewhere), I think he goes too far when he makes the salvation of the mainstream Oneness Pentecostal a matter of not being totally consistent about their official beliefs concerning the nature of the Godhead (trinity or not). I don't think that adhering to correct doctrine concerning the trinity is in any way essential to salvation. The nature of Jesus as both God and man and his physical resurrection from the dead are far more important doctrines.

    In my mind, the schism that Oneness theology brought during the early days of Pentecostalism is the main problem with it. There is such a thing as strength in unity and especially in the beginning the two "clans" came up with strong condemnations of each other as hellbound heretics.

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  3. #2
    I agree. The doctrine of the Trinity wasn't codified until 325 AD in Nicene, so are we to believe that nobody was saved in the 2nd and 3rd centuries? Nowhere in the Bible do we read "believe in the Trinity and you'll be saved". I certainly affirm the Trinity, but I'm not going to condemn people who follow Jesus who don't affirm it.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jew and Greek For This Useful Post:

    Cardinal TT (01-03-2020), Ezekiel 33 (01-07-2020), Quest (03-03-2020)

  5. #3
    I consider Oneness folks as my brothers and sisters.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to curly sue For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Recently Trudie posted a Trinity quiz on FB... I thought I can ace this. :) Interestingly I discovered after several 'wrong' answers I realized I differ in my core belief from the ...what? 'Mainstream' trinitarian?

    Now this does not bother did not cause alarm or fear. I have never been one to seek doctrinal accuracy. Since my mid 30's I committed to abstain from that when the Spirit of God asked me did I want to be indoctrinated or to KNOW HIM, the God that my humanity cannot grasp...I chose the latter and never looked back.

    I was listening to a video that said about 75% hold a version of oneness...I have heard some say One God three manifestations. Seems there are variables of people's belief that can reveal we are not 100% Doctrinal Trinitarians...

    Another term I heard is Binitarianism...this is likely where I made a slight shift...the Spirit of God does not become someone else when He chooses to inhabit His people so why is HIS Spirit viewed as a separate person? Is Holy Spirit His NAME or is it just the description of the Holy God who is spirit.?

    Apparently Dr. Brown is strict doctrinal trinitarian and I am fine with that...I am also opposed to either that would say the 'other' is lost for not ascribing to their doctrine....that rings of 'God is in my box' and unless you are in my box you re not saved...that always turns me off...

    Binitarianism - Wikipedia

    I would not want a term to label me as either OR both, some variation of...because then I would have my own BOX....which is in fact just a wall...

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    Ezekiel 33 (03-03-2020)

  9. #5
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    When we bought property in Alabama we fully expected God to lead us to a little Church of God right up the street...not so...each time we visited we went to a new found friend's church...Apostolic Pentecostal. Now I had visited one in Georgia and left knowing I would never go back because they clearly believed I was lost and had to align with their doctrine....the one here in Alabama is 180 degrees different...we were always welcomed, felt like family, and embraced as brethren...I still wear my slacks after 3 years...conforming has never been taught, preached, or conveyed in any way...

    They do not TEACH doctrine of oneness although I know they believe it...The pastor is not indoctrinated though...he preaches as the Spirit leads and apparently HE does not lead to preach doctrine :)

    I wonder now if they would fail a oneness quiz and a trinity quiz :)

    At the end of the day I believe human reasoning requires trinity doctrine...or strict oneness cannot embrace a third option that part of both may be THE TRUTH...

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    curly sue (03-03-2020), Ezekiel 33 (03-03-2020)

  11. #6
    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quest View Post
    When we bought property in Alabama we fully expected God to lead us to a little Church of God right up the street...not so...each time we visited we went to a new found friend's church...Apostolic Pentecostal. Now I had visited one in Georgia and left knowing I would never go back because they clearly believed I was lost and had to align with their doctrine....the one here in Alabama is 180 degrees different...we were always welcomed, felt like family, and embraced as brethren...I still wear my slacks after 3 years...conforming has never been taught, preached, or conveyed in any way...

    They do not TEACH doctrine of oneness although I know they believe it...The pastor is not indoctrinated though...he preaches as the Spirit leads and apparently HE does not lead to preach doctrine :)

    I wonder now if they would fail a oneness quiz and a trinity quiz :)

    At the end of the day I believe human reasoning requires trinity doctrine...or strict oneness cannot embrace a third option that part of both may be THE TRUTH...
    Are you sure you haven't been influenced by them towards some sort of middle position ?

  12. #7
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel View Post
    Are you sure you haven't been influenced by them towards some sort of middle position ?
    Yes...I am sure because they do not teach it..nor have I studied the doctrine...

  13. #8
    Super Moderator Quest's Avatar
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    I think the quiz question I stopped at was regarding the concept of the Holy Spirit as the 3rd person....I had not, that I recall, even given that much thought...but suddenly it hit me...the Spirit of God is God..God Himself dwells IN His children. Not another entity 'of God head'.

    Makes me wonder now if this theology was embraced for the same reason the Pharisees accused Jesus of claim we are fillied with another person, the Holy Spirit, keeps the Father at a safe distance...

    When we pray to our Father who is in Heaven do we listen internally for His response?

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    Ezekiel 33 (03-03-2020)

  15. #9
    Senior Member Colonel's Avatar
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    The Holy Spirit is also called the spirit of Jesus in the Bible. But then he also says that the Father is in him and we are in him and he is in us and God will be all in all so this gets rather complicated anyway.

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    curly sue (03-03-2020), Ezekiel 33 (03-03-2020), Quest (03-03-2020)

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    Ezekiel 33 (03-06-2020), Quest (03-06-2020)

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