Ezekiel 33 (07-26-2016)
I would ask the Holy Spirit to lead me. Truly.
When we stand before Jesus, he is not going to ask what everyone else told you to do....
He is going to ask "what did I tell you to do?" Press on!
When your praise match your prayers, the answer will come.
Romans828 (08-07-2016)
When your praise match your prayers, the answer will come.
When your praise match your prayers, the answer will come.
Ezekiel 33 (08-07-2016), Quest (08-08-2016), Romans828 (08-07-2016)
The Lord clearly brought this home to me when I was trying to get Him to consent to let me move back to Michigan because my parents are getting old (in their 80's). And when He revealed to me the interpretation of Luke 9:59-60, I understood.
It was a little unsettling, but I get it now, and He has graced me to stay here in no man's land for as long as He needs me to.
When your praise match your prayers, the answer will come.
Ezekiel 33 (08-07-2016), Quest (08-08-2016)
I truly can't wrap my mind around this response. It's bad enough that you'd even attend, but the "I don't think this is God's best for you" comment is way out there. .
Do you really believe that by attending a ceremony that mocks God's rule for marriage honors God? Satan presents himself as an angel of light, and your "niceness and kindness" towards the "happy couple" is tantamount to the same.
It's twisted and shows more regard for the feelings of people than love for God. It's not love, it's condoning sin, flat out. You're either on God's side or the devil's. There's no demilitarized zone. You need to choose whom you love more.
When your praise match your prayers, the answer will come.
Ok, maybe y'all missed it the first & second time it was posted. I'll even use the AMP, for clarity. Either you love God more than your family, or you don't. Being "nice and cordial" to the gay couple doesn't convey anything but your approval. Period.
Besides, it's a horrible witness for the other guests who may assume that it's ok to support the faux marriage because after all, they see Christians there.
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his [own] father and mother [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God] and [likewise] his wife and children and brothers and sisters–[yes] and even his own life also–he cannot be My disciple.” Luke *14:26 *AMP
When your praise match your prayers, the answer will come.
Ezekiel 33 (08-08-2016), Valiant Woman (08-13-2016)
That's what Joel Osteen said when asked if it's OK to be gay.... "it's not god's best" what the best he could do so he doesn't offend anyone ya know. (you can see clips of him saying this on Youtube)I don't think this is God's best for you
Nuthin like seeker sensitive, eh?
Romans828 (08-18-2016)